April 06, 2021

Own a Rental Property? Make Sure Your Septic System Works Properly

Are you a property owner getting ready to have renters in the late spring and summer? The last thing you want when you have renters is a septic issue. Make sure your renters know what they can put down the drain! If folks are used to a garbage disposal or a different type of septic system, they may not realize they’re causing an issue.

Are you a property owner getting ready to have renters in the late spring and summer?

Just over 21 million American households rely on a septic system to handle waste. Unlike a centralized sewer system where your home sends wastewater out through underground pipes, a septic system separates and treats wastewater through a tank and then disperses it to a drain field or other means of disposal.

The last thing you want when you have renters is a septic issue. You also want to make sure, depending on the type of septic system you have, that renters don’t start putting food scraps or other items down the drain if the system can’t handle it.

Nothing ruins a relaxing vacation like a septic problem you have to fix!

Protect Your Tenants from Septic Issues

Even if your renters are only going to find your home on Air BNB or VRBO for a weekend stay, an overflowing toilet or backed-up sink is a surefire way to get a bad review.  Avoid any issues by:

  1. Providing a plunger – seems like a no-brainer, but rental properties sometimes don’t include basic tools that some might need.
  2. Keep a drain snake in the unit or house – You should have a snake or toilet auger on your property to help maintain the septic system and break up any blockages.
  3. Use septic-safe drain cleaners – Keeping your tank healthy is the surest way to make sure your renters never have any issues and don’t have to spend their vacation worrying about septic problems! Keep the pipes clear and everything in working order by getting the system maintained and pumped every few years.

Finally, make sure your renters know what they can put down the drain! If folks are used to a garbage disposal or a different type of septic system, they may not realize they’re causing an issue.

Use a placard like this (see image on right) in the kitchen of your rental property to remind renters that minimal cleaning products, dishwater, and wash water from produce are okay, but food waste, coffee grounds, chemicals, grease/fat, food debris, wet wipes and feminine products can clog pipes or damage septic systems.

HIBLOW Provides Wastewater Treatment for Homeowners

In many onsite treatment systems, the air pump is the only moving part in the overall septic system, so it must be dependable. Working 24 hours a day and through all four seasons of the year — HIBLOW linear air pumps set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

HIBLOW USA offers support for application engineering, custom products, and inventory management. If you have a project outside of North or Central America, we will connect you with our partner offices covering your geographic region.

Questions? Call 734-429-5618 or send us an email.

April 06, 2021

Posted in:

Residential Wastewater
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