September 01, 2021

SepticSmart Week is September 20-24!

Over 21 million American households rely on a septic system to handle waste. Unlike a centralized sewer system where your home sends wastewater out through underground pipes, a septic system separates and treats wastewater through a tank and then disperses it to a drain field or other means of disposal.

Over 21 million American households rely on a septic system to handle waste. Unlike a centralized sewer system where your home sends wastewater out through underground pipes, a septic system separates and treats wastewater through a tank and then disperses it to a drain field or other means of disposal.

In September, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “seeks to inform homeowners on proper septic system care and maintenance, assist local agencies in promoting homeowner education and awareness, and educate local decision makers about infrastructure options to improve and sustain their communities.”

How can you be sure you’re doing your part to properly maintain your septic system?

Follow these tips:

  • Think at the sink! Limit the use of your garbage disposal and avoid pouring grease, fats, and harsh chemicals down the drain. (
  • Don’t strain your drain! Be sure to use water efficiently and stagger use of water-based appliances like your washing machine or dishwasher. (
  • Keep it clean: Test your drinking water regularly (if you’re on a well) to make sure it remains free of contamination. (
  • Shield your field! Divert surface water and rain away from your drainfield and avoid parking vehicles and planting trees on your drainfield as well. (
  • Protect it and inspect it: Your septic system should be serviced every 1-3 years by a licensed septic service professional. (
  • Don’t overload the commode: Be smart: don’t flush diapers, wipes or any other item usually meant for a trashcan down the toilet. (
  • Pump your tank! A professional should pump your septic tank at regular intervals. (

Be SepticSmart with HIBLOW!

In many onsite treatment systems, the air pump is the only moving part in the overall septic system, so it must be dependable. Working 24 hours a day and through all four seasons of the year — HIBLOW linear air pumps set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

HIBLOW USA offers support for application engineering, custom products, and inventory management. If you have a project outside of North or Central America, we will connect you with our partner offices covering your geographic region.

Questions? Call 734-429-5618 or send us an email.

September 01, 2021

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Residential Wastewater
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