March 04, 2022

2022 TOWA Conference in Galveston, TX | March 7-9 2022

HIBLOW USA is excited to exhibit and meet with current customers and prospective companies at the Texas On-Site Wastewater Treatment Conference!

HIBLOW USA is excited to exhibit and meet with current customers and prospective companies at the Texas On-Site Wastewater Treatment Conference! If you have questions on air pump sizing, troubleshooting, or any of our new products—stop by our booth #206 to talk with us.

TOWA’s mission is to advance and promote all aspects of the onsite wastewater industry including installers, service providers, pumpers, manufactures, suppliers, engineers and designers, registered sanitarians, research and academic professionals, consultants, and governmental regulatory personnel. TOWA actively supports training efforts for everyone involved in the onsite industry. Toward this end we hold conferences and educational meetings with nationally recognized speakers and we are cooperating with and assisting the TCEQ in the development of onsite wastewater training, education and Rule changes which will benefit Texas Onsite Professionals.

More info here:

Choose HIBLOW Linear Air Pumps for Your Wastewater Treatment

In many onsite installations, the air pump is the septic system’s only moving part, so it must be dependable. HIBLOW linear air pumps work 24 hours a day, every day of the year. They set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

Most Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) manufacturers supply HIBLOW linear air pumps with their onsite wastewater treatment systems because of our quality, reliability, performance, and availability. Find out which HIBLOW pump is right for your application by talking to one of our experts today!

March 04, 2022

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Residential Wastewater
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