July 28, 2023

2023 Florida Onsite Wastewater Association Convention (FOWA)

Come see us at booth #613B!

HIBLOW is happy to announce we’re exhibiting at the 2023 FOWA Convention August 2-3 in Daytona Beach, Florida!

FOWA is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is education. They provide knowledge about wastewater technologies and maintenance standards in order to ensure a safe and beautiful Florida for future generations.

More information about the convention and trade show here: https://myfowa.com/convention/

Why Choose HIBLOW Linear Air Pumps for Wastewater?

Four main reasons: our quality, reliability, performance, and availability.

In many onsite installations, the linear air pump is the septic system’s only moving part, so it must be dependable. HIBLOW pumps work 24 hours a day, every day of the year. They set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

Come see us at the expo at booth #613B to learn more! We hope to see you there!

July 28, 2023

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