April 12, 2021
What Size Air Pump Should I use To Aerate My Pond?
Choosing the best air pump for your pond
Choosing the best air pump for your pond
The WG Series – specifically designed for ponds and aquaculture – is the culmination of nearly 50 years of engineering innovation. Constructed with the same precision and quality as the best-selling HP and XP Series, the WG Series is built for continuous 24/7, 365 use.
Are you a property owner getting ready to have renters in the late spring and summer? The last thing you want when you have renters is a septic issue. Make sure your renters know what they can put down the drain! If folks are used to a garbage disposal or a different type of septic system, they may not realize they’re causing an issue.
If you’ve recently moved into a home with an aeration system or aerated septic tank, or are looking to install a new ATU to repair your current septic system, then you might be looking for answers about septic tank aerators.
HIBLOW genuine diaphragms and casing blocks now have the HIBLOW logo on the part as pictured. If the listing on Amazon or eBay has a picture without the logo and the price is too good to be true, the listing is likely for a knock off product. Don’t be fooled!